Suggest An Event

Let us know what online streaming event you have coming up! We’ll display it on this website and also share on our Twitter account.

What is the name, and episode if it is applicable, for the streaming event?

What is a short description of the event? Please keep to 1 or 2 sentences.

What is the best URL for us to point visitors to for more information about the stream?

Provide the URL to a tweet that you'd like us to retweet from @wplivestreams

When is the event? Month/Day/Year

What time does the event start? Please use UTC Time Zone. Hour:Minute AMPM

Where will this stream be distributed?

What skill level should audience members be?

What topics are associated with this event?

What organization or group is hosting the event? This should be an entity, not a person. Please provide Organization Name and Website URL.

Who are the main speakers for the event? This should be people, not companies or organizations. Please supply: Name, Twitter or LinkedIn URL.

Please let us know who you are if we need to get in touch and also so we can shout out a big thank you! Enter your name, email, website, twitter handle, etc.